๐ŸŒˆHappy Friday๐ŸŒˆ

Woohoo I finally am able to post on my laptop again! My blog should be all changed up for Christmas too. Though there’s some things I’d like to add (like Christmas colorings and my teddies under the tree) to replace the current ones on my blog. Let’s see if I actually remember to do that

When we were doing our Christmas decorating last night I (very badly) painted these ornaments for our tree. I am very dissapointed with them haha. The brush it came with was absolute garbage and the paint seemed like it was water with food coloring mixed in, but I guess that’s what you get when you buy a kit for ยฃ1

The shirt that I designed for ABU came in the mail! A lot of people keep telling me they didn’t know I designed this shirt and I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing ๐Ÿ˜… I’m excited to see other people wearing it though!

I posted about it a little bit when I first started doing Crayon Critters, but the first few of them finally got their baths yesterday! The polar bear is also currently up for adoption if anyone here is reading and wishes to give him a home! Feel free to contact me on Twitter about it (or FA if you don’t have Twitter). The doggie was already pre-claimed so I think I will work to try and get them completed tomorrow for their new home

๐ŸŒˆยฃ10 adoption fee (shipping cost not included)
๐ŸŒˆShipping is only available to those living within the United Kingdom

I am rescued, washed, sewn, and weighted by hand. I may have imperfections! I am weighted with uncooked rice and cannot be submerged in water, please only spot wash me!

Can provide more pictures + measurements upon request! This bear is branded from M&S

We went out to B&M to look for more things we needed for Christmas but had no luck sadly. But it was another excuse to get dressed and wear my favorite thing of all, my rainbow dungarees!

Here is our Christmas tree, I’m sorry for the bad picture. I was waiting to take one until we had lights for it which we don’t yet. Hopefully I will have a better one soon!


Buddy wanted to help with the Christmas decorating! His note says: ” I saw that you and Daddy decorated last night, so I thought I would help. I hope you like it!”. I like it but Eli says that we need to take it down

I love the art for todays picture because Chase is my favorite and Eli likes Marshall

Trying something different by coloring this in with markers as opposed to pencil crayons. I wasn’t a big fan of the activity today

More stickers today! I’m happy that I haven’t gotten a double yet, which is surprising because in previous sticker books doubles were really common


Eli had to wake up early so Buddy decided to take his place in bed! Here he is cuddling Eli’s sloth



I was super excited for this blind bag because Sweetie (one of my fave characters in the show besides Chase but she has no merch) was an option but I ened up getting Sweetie. I found the eraser a bit hard to put together

Sorry for the late post on this one! I’m trying to show what I get every day, it was just busy yesterday with decorating and all!