Tag Archives: journalling

๐ŸŒˆJanuary Journalling

I thought it might be fun to share my journal pages from every month once it’s completed. Here is Januaries : ) I’ve always done journalling however mainly just by glueing things in, this will be my first time doing that and writing.

๐ŸŒˆMoods ( my moods change so much daily but it’s whatever the dominant one for that day was – it’s a great way for me to track recovery or other things! )
Happy: 23
Okay: 2
Sad: 1
Stressed: 0
Sick: 1
Anxious: 0
Tired: 4

Front cover
Back cover

๐ŸŒˆCompleted Journal๐ŸŒˆ

I filled up one of my journals so I wanted to post some pictures of the inside here! Last time I finished a journal I took a video but I don’t really feel like doing that this time lol. I started this journal on Christmas 2020 and completed it a few weeks ago. It’s a lot less filled just because I don’t want the book to fall apart so it’s not “fully used” just because I want to be able to preserve it

๐ŸŒˆMy Little journal๐ŸŒˆ

Here is a video of me going through my little journal, I tried uploading it directly here but it says that I need a premuim account. You’ll have to click the “watch on YouTube” button to see it!

I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to see it (and I feel very silly recording myself) but I decided to anyways. I personally really enjoy seeing others journals and things like that and figured I would share mine too. Eventually I would like to invest in a smaller journal to do daily journaling and tape little bits and things from my day in too
